What does the day comprise?

The Second City Charity Pro Am is one of the best organised golf Tournaments in the Midlands. 

We welcome you to Little Aston Golf Club with a high quality goodie bag that always includes a special logo’d Second City gift.  If you have an early start you will receive bacon sandwiches, tea or coffee – after 10.30 bacon sandwiches stop and there is just tea and coffee.

There is a complimentary BBQ after the 8th with soft drinks and beers then when you have finished your round there is a sponsored drinks tent adjacent to the 18th for you to complete your scorecards. After drinks on the terrace you can go and eat – a two course meal in the dining room –  with a complimentary bottle of wine. Afternoon players sometimes have lunch before they go out.

Prize giving takes place at approximately 8.00 pm and there are team prizes for 1st to 5th place of fine wines and beautiful LSA glassware and the winners, of course, pick up the Rod Davies Memorial Trophy.  The winning professional also receives the Dick Greenhalgh trophy and a percentage of the prize pot for the professionals.

There are also prizes on each hole for amateurs and, of course, the  professionals also play in their own competition for a prize pot.

Funds are raised during the day with a raffle that has fantastic prizes along with a Silent Auction that closes after the presentation.

A great day out for an entry fee of £575.

To enter a team please fill out this form and send to Jilly Cosgrove.